Thursday, 18 January 2018

NASA - The NASAty lies that flatties spread

The major proponents of flat earth put quite a bit of effort in discrediting NASA, but easy to see why. NASA essentially destroys the flat earth deception. They have been to the moon, they have a large ongoing presence in space. The International Space Station has been operating since the year 2000. They have also taken thousands of photos of earth from space, they even have a live feed of earth from the ISS - 24/7.

Interestingly not so much effort is put in to discredit other spage agencies. Many other countries in the world have a space agency or project running. Most notably Russia, Europe, Japan, Canada and China. Other countries will follow suit such as India and Australia. Private companies are now also involved, Bigelow, Space-x are fully operational and Virgin Galactic in the near future. In essence space exploration is a global public and private sector effort.

National Aeronautics Space Agency has to be fake, fraud etc.Trouble is that NASA is a government civilian body, created in the 50s. Lets not forget the other space agencies who are also publicly owned government bodies. Lets not forget also that the private space projects, Bigelow, Virgin Galactic and Space-x are private businesses, the have shareholders who would want a return on their investment, if NASA was fake or fraud, there would be no money in it for them. So what this boils down to is that ALL space agencies and ALL governments and ALL countries are involved in this deception since at least the 50s. This would have to include any and all countries who have been at war with, or have poor relations with the US. This would include Russia, or the USSR at the time of the space race. The 50s was a time of great fear and uncertainty during the cold war, if the Russians knew that the earth was flat, they would have just sat back and laughed at the US futile attempts to go into space.This is also the case even now - relations with the US and Russia on a political level is at an all time low since Glasnost, again, why haven't they called the US out. There are also strained relations between China and much of the western states, so again , why don't China call the western agencies out.

A common myth flat earthers will claim is NASA is part of the US military (in Mark Sargent's under the dome video, he states that they were quickly militarised soon after creation) - nope, totally separate body with a totally separate budget at a small fraction of the DOD budget. Currently, $19 Billion a year, about .5% of total federal budget. This was higher in the sixties and seventies, tenfold at 5% of total budget. But soon after the Apollo missions this was gradually slashed down to its current level.

So how do they discredit NASA.

1/ because space is fake, so NASA must also be fake.
2/ They are run by Nazis, Freemasons, Iluminati and other satanic worship groups.
3/ The ISS does not exist, what you think you see in the sky is a high altitude plane, a baloon.
4/ The ISS videos are shot in a studio on earth using wires and green screen CGI, or in the Zero G plane. Sometimes the virtual reality does not work as planned, you can see wire harnesses, you never see the 4th wall
5/ All photos are fake, photoshopped CGI
6/ EVAs (moon walks outside the ISS) are filmed in underwater studios with CGI, they show air bubbles rising under water.They never show 360 views.
7/ NASA even now say they can not go through the deadly Van Allen belts that would would kill the astronauts.
8/ The moon landings were faked, they were shot in a hollywood studio by Stanley Kubrick
9/ They have conveniantley lost all the moon landing tapes.
10/ They launch fake rockets in to the sea, Bermuda triangle.

Well, quite a bit there. You will soon find that there are certain rules which must be followed when challenging a flattie, they are

Photos and videos cant be used, they could be CGI
Testimony of witnesses cant be allowed, they may be paid shills, paid by NASA.
Mathematics cant be used, any equations can be made up to look like evidence.
Other websites in support of NASA cant be trusted.
Science and scientists are frauds, incorrect, not proven it is actually pseudo science

But when it comes to the rules to cahllenge 'globers'
Photos and videos prove it.
Testimony proves it.
Maths prove it
Other websites supporting the flat earth view proves it.
(Actual pseudo) Science proves it

And so we are blocked in, in a cul de sac, everyone lies except flat earth beleivers

So how do we tackle these, bear in mind though that we have never needed NASA to go into space or exist to know the Earth is a globe.

But still, thats for later.

1/ Run by Nazis, Freemasons etc.

Its true that NASA did employ some ex members of the Nazi party of Hitler's regime, most notably Werner Von Brown. One fact that needs to be stated here is that Von Brown voluntarily sought out the Allies and surrendered and defected to the USA. His highest ranking was as a Major in the SS. If you read about his life it is quite clear that he was obsessed with space and rocketry, his role in the German army was in developing rocketry, ie the V1 and 2 rockets. Von Brown went on to help instigate the Operation Paperclip at the end of the war. This was an operation to recruit some of the best rocketry scientists from Germany's defeated army, the Russians had the same idea. Be aware though this was before NASA was even thought of.

As for freemasons, well in the conspiracy world Freemasons just about run everything, this group has most notably received a thorough hatchet job.So before we move on to these, ask yourself what do you know about them, if you have already crossed to the dark side, ask yourself what did you know about them before you crossed over. Be open minded on this, many flat earth proponents state this when asked, be open minded.

I could dispel this very quickly because If Nazis do run the show, there would be no freemasons. On the other hand if Freemasons run the show, there would be no Nazis. To understand this is simple. During the 1930s as Hitler rose to power, the freemasons were ordered to give up their assets or they were seized, the lodges were shut down. Freemasons were not permitted to join the Nazi party (not that they would have ever done so). As the war started and progressed, freemasons were then rounded up and sent to the concentration camps along with Jews, Gypsies, communists, conscientious objectors. They suffered the same fate, 10s of thousands of freemasons across Europe were executed in the gas chambers. This almost wiped out the freemasons from Europe.

Freemasonry is a fraternity, ie a social club for men. They can trace their origins back to perhaps the Crusades, but most notably to the stonemasons guilds of the renaissance period. Their purpose was to keep alive the stonemason industry and skills during the building of some of the great Cathedrals and abbeys etc. Principally there are 3 'degrees' in (stone) Masonry - Apprentice, Journeyman and Craftsman. Today, they are a dying establishment, fading away as they do not fit in so well in this modern era. Needless to say, some of the Astronauts were indeed Freemasons, most notably Buzz Aldrin. The FErs have built the myth that practically all astronauts are Masons, somewhat over exaggerated as atheists and females are not allowed to join.Those that were Freemasons have never made any secret of it, Buzz Aldrin has never denied or kept his membership hidden. Freemasons are NOT the evil satanic controllers that FErs claim (I doubt that most FErs know anything about them at all. I will be doing a more in depth look at Freemasonry in the future.But I will end this paragraph by saying, Eric Dubay (real name Michaels) , his father and an uncle were Freemasons.

2/The ISS is often given special attention because of its high profile image. The station itself is a mix of astro engineering by the US, Russia, Canada and The ESA. Private space company Bigelow have built and installed a habitat module called the BEAM. Its about the size of a football field, and can be seen from the ground regularly. There are online sites where you can  check its flight paths near you. The station orbits the earth in about 90 minutes at a speed of 17,000 + miles per hour. This might seem an incredible speed and it is, by design. Essentially the station is in free fall but the speed is such that it keeps it in a low earth orbit as the earth will always be 'falling away'. It is permanently manned by a team of scientists and it undertakes to very important experiments that could pave the way for the benefit of us here on earth, with some exciting possibilities already showing promise as being ground breaking due to the unique variable of micro gravity, of which could not be carried out on Terra firma. When you see it overhead it would be quite fast going over that it will only be viewable for a few seconds, if it is at night, it is unmistakable as its the 2nd brightest object in the sky and travelling fast - too fast for either a plane  or balloon. We can discount the balloon assumption because its exact position in the sky is pin point predictable, a balloon would be unpredictable. If you want to know more google 'NASA spin off  technology, current experiments/research being carried out on the ISS'

A popular argument that flat earth folk post is 'NASA say you can't go through the van allen belt which will kill the astronauts'. One thing about flat earth folk is that they are very lazy in their research. Often they will tell you to do your research and what they mean by this is watch flat earth YouTube videos, go to flat earth websites.They are very selective in their searching, seeking to confirm the belief, which is biased this way. Or they just copy and paste the comment, whilst not actually fact checking that.

Also generally speaking, given the amount of claims that NASA make mistakes such as bubbles, van allen belt, VR going wrong,wires showing, slip ups and many so called 'obvious' errors that it all seems to be like a shoddy amateur inept incompetence. Would you really think a multi billion dollar fraud would inadvertently say the VABs cant be passed on a video, then release it to the public, knowing that they would spot the obvious error of explaining why they did not go to the moon ?. If it was such a huge fraud, everything would have to look squeaky clean. Plus dissenters, whistle blowers would likely have unfortunate fatal accidents

The Van Allen belt is an area of highly charged radiation in the form of highly charged particles, not radiation like X-Rays etc. NASA sent up sounding rocket probes to study the belt and measure it accurately, The belt was found to be at its least potent in the polar regions. They calculated that by taking a trajectory that escapes the more dangerous part of the belt via the polar regions with enough speed the craft and its occupants would only be exposed to the same amount of radiation as experienced on earth from 1 or 2 medical X-Rays. They thought that was a risk worth taking. However, today those risks are not acceptable any more, plus the future mission objectives are for more deeper, longer missions which would increase the risk for both craft and astronauts. Now they are developing that technology with Orion, the technology has had to start pretty much from scratch given the decreased budget as compared to Apollo. Electronics and computers whilst being more powerful than Apollo they are more sensitive and this is the 'new' challenge they have set for Orion, and they are on target. If people had been bothered to watch that video, this would have been clear.

I wont be covering the subject of video and photos, or the moon landing in this post as they deserve a post all to themselves

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