Thursday, 18 January 2018

Flat Earther Comedy hall of fame.


Our first guest flattie is a Scottish guy who goes by the name of rebelwithoutapause on the University of YouTube, the font of all (none)knowledge. Really, this guy should change his handle to rebelwithoutaclue, because he has'nt got a clue.

Most of his videos are of the stars, which he calls luminairies. Do you see anything wrong with them - yep, they are all out of focus. He has had plenty of replies telling him they are out of focus, some offering polite advice. His answer is usually to tell whoever where to go and he has been doing this for 2 years so he 'knows what he's doing'. He still actually thinks they are in focus (plus they wobble all over the place on his cheap camera mounted on a cheap tripod). He actually thinks these are what stars actually look like. His little loyal band of subscribers show the same stupidity, and I nearly died laughing when he and a subscriber state that 'all those scientists with their big telescopes have been getting it wrong, this is NOT what they look like' - did he really think he was the first person to point a camera to the sky

Another folly of his is fairly typical of these  brainwashed village idiots, in his complete lack of knowledge about the Freemasons, labbeling NASA as 'Nazi Freemasons'. I would have let that go by, but he had a reply from some dear old woman whom he told that NASA was run by Nazi Freemasons. Unfortunately this upset the lady, as her father and grandfather were freemasons, from Germany. I mamnaged to catch some screen shots whilst I have been following him, he does delete posts.Lots of ignorance was displayed in this thread until the Lady's brother sent a reply (yep, deleted but I captured it) - this guy gave him quite a dressing down. His reaction, shows no compassion, binned it. So he remains willfully ignorant on that subject.

 And her brother's reply

Now we come to the guys ability to lie on his videos. In this case, on his Ailsa Craig video he takes a video
of a small Island in the Firth of Clyde from 2 locations. On his first location his description of where he was was vague, but I figured out where he could have been based on his claimed distance. Not sure what he was meant to achieve on this as although the distance was short, it still showed what you would expect to see on a globe. I found out the height of the small lighthouse on the  east shore and used that as a measuring stick for the shore height and compared it to his video. He failed to notice that half of the shore was hidden. Ok, we will forego that. 

His next location,further away, and from a different angle. On the video he clearly marks on google maps streetview.Trouble is with this is if zoom into streetview and look around the view is completly blocked by a high bank and trees, so he wasnt where he said he was.So continuing his video and trying to match the view of where he actually was with streetview, he was nowhere near or high that he said he was. You could not get a clear view around the headland near by, you had to continue towards (town), it was clear he was somewhere near the shore so I estimated approximately 4 or 5 miles closer and considerably lower. Why lie, you tell me - my theory is these people lie to themslves sometimes.

rebelwithoutaclue part 2

rebel and glock slice demonstrate acute stupidity. rebel lies again about a video he took of an island 33 miles away he could see

This thread from rebelwithoutaclue half of the moon is missing video is pure gold comedy, what a double act. Its quite clear to me that education is not what it used to be, both these characters show extremely poor cognisance, in ability to problem solve, poor use of the English language and abject denial. Both people come across as being religious but use the most foul language for what you would expect. Block Sluice is the worst of the two. For him, the Bible is a science, astronomy and life manual. His acute misunderstanding of how things work, how to thought experiment and reason is at the level of a sea cucumber. What are these people on about. You can clearly tell that they have NOT done any research in the manner of the usual flattie come Dubay facts. It is obvious they have not fact checked any of the claims of oh so wise Yoga teacher, who happens to be an expert in everything. It is impossible to get through to these guys as the required intelligence is not there, they will live and die stupidly ignorant. Any way, heres the comedy episode. i wont screen shot, i will simply copy paste in a more easy to read format, if you want to check it on youtube, please do so.

He deletes posts that are uncomfortable for him, has now banned me as well. But here are some snippets

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