Saturday, 13 January 2018 lift off

Launch day, the purpose of this blog would be to expose those people who wish to deceive others with false, incorrect information and downright lies. With the advent of social media such as Facebook, twitter and YouTube, there is now a burgeoning pathway for conspiracy theorists, crackpots and pathological liars . These people are often created by other crackpots spreading misinformation and so the amount of created, paranoid conspiracy theorists expands. My objection to this is that sometimes this can spill over and effect others detrimentally when 'truthers' do so to take things in to their own hands. For instance, The Sandy hook mass shootings, whereby online crackpots started playing 'armchair detective'' spread incorrect information as to the validity of the 'mainstream' reporting of this despicable act of criminality. And so a theory was born that the shootings were staged by the 'government' and that no one died. The excuse given here was to drum up public opinion on tightening gun laws. The sad reality was that people did indeed die, but this did not stop a couple of miscreants believing the conspiracy and taking matters into their own hands. They harassed and threatened victim's families to the point of sending hate emails and threats by voice mail. Needless to say they were caught, prosecuted and jailed. This has also happened with other, stupid conspiracy theories including 'pedogate' and 'pizzagate'.

I first came across this insanity after seeing in my Facebook news feed a post referring to the flat earth society, I had a discussion on this with my friends, many of whom just dismissed it as 'just a few harmless eccentrics'. I thought so too until other people not in my friends list started replying with claims that I am 'indoctrinated' and I should look into it, some of these messages turned into threats and spamming my news feed. This is not eccentricity, this is an attack on accepted facts. I still did not think much of it until I started to notice that generally people who ascribed to a flat earth conspiracy also ascribed to other, damaging conspiracies such as Chemtrails, anti vaxers. It reached a peak for me when one of my friends shared a post regarding organ donation that suggested that the medical profession were 'cashing' in on providing organ donation by covert means. It suggested that if you carried a donor card, and you were involved in a serious accident that involved surgery, your organs would be removed when you were in fact not dead - letting you die under anaesthesia in the operating theatre. That was pivotal, the friend who posted it was inundated with pleas from his friends to not share it or believe it, thankfully he did so.

So, Here we are.I will be starting with the flat earth proponents character assassination of NASA and other groups of people, as the main proponents spend a lot of energy and time in this.

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